For years, men and women have been searching for the fountain of youth when it comes to maintaining their appearances. Considerable amounts of money have been spent on cosmetics products that promise to reverse the signs of aging. Interestingly enough, a little-known nut from the Mediterranean climate of Morocco – Argan Oil fights aging. Although many think of skin when we think of aging, hair is also prone to changes as time goes on. It gets exposed to toxins in the environment and UV rays and it becomes damaged from blow dryers, curling irons, and the chemicals we use on it. As a result, cuticle cells become raised and softened making hair appear rougher and more susceptible to breakage. Hair follicles produce thinner hair or sometimes no hair at all.
So what can we do to protect hair from the signs of aging? Argan oil fights aging, and that may be your answer.

Throughout history, argan oil has been used in many cultures to rewind the hands of time. Now it is becoming more popularly used in cosmetic and hair care products for the anti-aging properties it provides. Find out more about how it can help you maintain a healthy head of hair.
Argan Oil fights Aging – Vitamin E

Argan oil fights to age because it is rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is effective in protecting hair from free radicals that do cellular damage that manifests as frizz and dryness. It works to boost cell production to promote healthy hair.
Oleic Acid
Oleic acid provides moisturizing benefits. It’s just another way Argan Oil fights aging. The moisture it contains can protect hair from breakage while making it stronger, thicker, and longer. Linoleic Acid: Also known as vitamin F, linoleic acid is nourishing and moisturizing to hair. It works to shield hair and from UV rays and toxic gasses that can increase the occurrence of damaging free radicals.

Argan Oil fights Aging with Hydration
A huge reason people sometimes appear to look older than they are is because of poor hydration. Argan oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, which form a barrier and helps protect hair. It locks in water to keep moisture in and prevent excessive dryness. Argan oil fights aging by reducing the inevitable loss of water that occurs as we age.
Cardiovascular Health
In a large worldwide study on the effects of Argan Oil on human health. One hundred presenters from around the world researched and presented their findings on the benefits of Argan Oil. The unique blend of poly-unsaturated fats found in droves in Argan Oil has been shown to behave potential benefits in the fighting of cancer cells. As poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have demonstrated synergism with both radiotherapies as well as chemo-therapy, in solid and hematological tumors, tocopherols and saponins derived from A. Spinosa exerted evident anti-proliferative effect, both in vitro (within the body) and in vivo (outside the body).
Some of these studies are fascinating in the results they have brought in, but of course like everything, we need more rigorous and test-heavy studies to really confirm what it seems the people of Morocco have known for centuries. What we do know however is that Argan Oil produces amazing results when used in your hair. So try some today!
MKS eco is your best source of these Argan oil-rich infused products. A family-owned business that makes hair care products with the highest quality natural ingredients like argan and hemp seed oil, as well as other beneficial botanical extracts. Their products are great for nourishing hair, and adding moisture, protection, and shine. Choose from their extensive line of shampoos, conditioners, and styling products to find which of their products will work best for your hair.
Argan oil is an all-natural product that works wonders when it comes to protecting your hair from signs of aging. It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and omega 3’s that can help your locks maintain their youthful appearance. Buy products rich in argan oil to find out how they can help turn back the clock for you!